Tuesday, November 11, 2008

craft show in t-minus 3 days ...

and the anxiety is setting in! i have a lot of stuff done ... i think. but i am happy i have the next few days (minus work tomorrow) to work on everything. i am excited too ... because i think this has the opportunity to be good. it's a holiday shopping boutique for kids and their parents at a local school. the town is pretty big with a lot of schools ... so there should be a big turnout. and because i have stuff for kids and adults ... i think i could do quite well! so we shall see!

in other crafting news i am making a ton of new stuff! so, if i don't sell out of everything (hehehe ... gotta be optomistic!) i will be able to throw that stuff onto Etsy! so keep your eyes pealed!

ok ... enough goofing off online ... back to the sewing board ...

1 comment:

Becky said...

Good luck at the craft fair. I can't wait to hear how many goodies you sold! : )